How to properly maintain the toothpick machine


  We all know that regular maintenance is required after some machinery has been used for a period of time, such as your car, or the toothpick machine that I will introduce today. Reasonable maintenance can make the toothpick machine last longer and make the toothpick machine more durable. The quality of the processed products is better, so the maintenance of the toothpick machine is very important!

  1. Equipped with full-time or part-time electrical maintenance personnel to regularly maintain woodworking machinery and electrical appliances. Woodworking machinery and electrical appliances have high requirements for maintenance personnel, and it is difficult for ordinary electrical personnel in furniture factories to maintain. However, under the guidance of the machinery manufacturer, the daily maintenance and regular maintenance of electrical appliances can be done well, and the hidden dangers in the use of woodworking machinery and electrical appliances can be eliminated.
  2. Adjust the frequency of power usage and make reasonable use of electric energy. The power consumption of woodworking machinery varies greatly. In furniture production, machines with different powers should be reasonably matched to maintain a relative balance of mechanical power consumption per unit time. For example, avoiding turning on machines during peak hours can reduce failures caused by insufficient power consumption.
  3. Regularly check the circuit and replace the old cables with insufficient cross-sectional area to ensure the use requirements of mechanical and electrical equipment. In midsummer, air conditioners, electric fans and other civilian power consumption are more, which will lead to insufficient voltage and affect the operation of woodworking machinery and electrical equipment. When the regional voltage is stable and the unit voltage is unstable, you can consider replacing the cable. If the regional voltage is unstable, you can consider increasing the capacity and replacing the cable.

  The above is the maintenance method of the toothpick machine. After a long-term use of the toothpick machine after reasonable maintenance, you will feel that the old machine is similar to the new one. This is because the maintenance is good!