Ice Cream Stick Rotary Cutting Machine


Rotary Cutting Machines is widely used in the produce of Ice Cream stick, it’s convenient for that the rotary cutting blade is removable and replaceable, and below is the processing flow for producing the high quality ice cream sticks, magnum, wooden spoon and tongue depressor, etc.

1. Cooking Machine: Frist, you should cook the log up to 80~100℃ for 3-4 hours.

2. Rotary Cutting Machine: Cut the log into thin board then put in to Carve Cutting Machine.

3. Carve Cutting Machine: Put the board which processed by Rotary Cutting Machine into this machine, then you can get the finished product with different sizes, by changing the moulds in the machine.

4. For the Chamfering Machine: It is used for embellishing the finished product line.

5. For the Selecting Machine: It can select the finished product which from Carve Cutting Machine, if the finished product is curving, thin, and also remove the dust in the products.

6. For the Bundling Machine: It can bunld the finished product to a bould of 50 pcs

7. For the Knife Shrpening Machine: It is used for sharpening the knifes in the machine.
