How to build a bridge with wooden lollipop stick


How to build a bridge with wooden lollipop stick

One day, I back home after work, my daughter run to hug me and show me her newly craft work, a nice and beautiful lollipop stick bridge. I am surprised and happy and let her teach me.

Step one: gather your materials, including lollipop sticks, glue, tape, and paper. You will need about 50 sticks for this bridge; tape one sheet of paper flat onto a table so that the long side is facing you; using thin pieces of tape, tape down two sticks onto the bottom of paper, the sticks will be spaced apart in the center and the ends will be touching the edges of the paper.

Step two: place two more sticks about 4 inches above the first two, and lay a on each end angling towards the middle to connect the top and bottom, glue these on; continue placing diagonal sticks on top making triangle shapes for the side. Repeating this process for the other side and let both dry completely.

Step three: take two stacks of books spaced apart to the width you want be bridge. Take each side and tape it against a stack of books. Glue on some sticks to connect the top and bottom of bridge. Make sure the diagonal bracing on the every ends of the bridge.